6 Fun Ways to Raise Funds for Your School

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    There’s no arguing that school budgets throughout the country are never enough. You see this reality on the news quite frequently, and this was even depicted accurately by the plot of the American comedy-drama series, Glee, which started with a budget cut for school districts’ performing arts programs.

    Because of this unfortunate reality, schools need to implement creative strategies to raise funds for programs and other necessary improvements, such as the installation of ramps and elevators for students with mobility challenges. 

    So, if you are an active PTA member or a schoolteacher who needs some ideas on how to generate funds for your school, help is here. We, at Go Charity, offer you six of the best fundraising ideas for schools. These fundraisers are not only successful in raising money, but they are quite fun to do, as well.

    1. Bike-a-thon

    A lot of middle schoolers may be familiar with a bike-a-thon fundraiser. 

    Basically, for a bike-a-thon, you get pledges for a particular distance you complete. Say, you managed to get ten pledges, and all of them combined total to 30 dollars a kilometer, and a course is ten kilometers. Your final contribution to the fundraiser is $300 if you complete the course.

    This is an enjoyable way to get the bigger community involved in the causes of the local school, as well as get kids physically active.

    2. School Fair

    A school fair is another surefire way to raise school funds. Classes and clubs can set up different fun booths, hold performances, and sell food and other items. Outsiders, such as local vendors and other businesses, can also join, and they would just have to pay for their own booth.

    In a school fair, students and their families and other members of the community get to come together to support a cause financially. Sales, or a major percentage of the sales, will go directly to the fund.

    3. Auction

    This event requires meticulous planning, but there’s no doubt it makes for an excellent fundraiser for schools. There are different kinds of auctions to choose from, but an experience auction is most suitable as a school event. And one of the best experience auctions is for domestic travel.

    Domestic travel auctions can rake in significant amounts of money because a lot of folks these days would rather spend their money on enjoyable experiences than material things. Plus, if they can find a unique travel package, they wouldn’t think twice about bidding for it at an auction.

    Now, the key here is to design travel experiences that are truly worth being in a bidding war for, and doing this isn’t easy. However, if you work with auction specialists like Go Charity, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. We’ll connect you with the right people and agencies to create highly coveted travel packages. Along with that, you can tap into our services to ensure a seamless auction event.

    4. Carnival

    Carnivals are reliable crowd-drawers, and they become a fundraising source when a school leases its grounds to a carnival company. Rides, game booths, a circus — all of these are present to bring enjoyment to the school and the community it belongs to. 

    The lease earns the school some money to use. And usually, carnivals are tied with fairs, which the school’s student body can cover. Therefore, the learning institution gets a delightful extravaganza of fun activities, as well as a variety of income channels.

    5. Yard Sale

    Thrifting is all the rage these days, and there are so many people who look forward to yard sales. Local schools can host these and get the students to bring wares from home that their families no longer use. 

    For sure, the school can collect a lot of items that students’ families are willing to donate for the event. Plus, with powerful marketing, the yard sale can attract hardcore thrifters that think nothing of spending a considerable amount of money for pre-loved goods that are still in great condition.

    Tip: If you want to charge a bit higher for your yard sale, take the time to curate the items and create yard sections based on the value of the items. Plus, doing this will create a smoother flow, and it will be easier and more convenient for people to identify what they want to buy.

    6. Cultural Celebration

    Celebrate the different cultures present in the school. In the US, a lot of schools have ethnically diverse populations, so why not direct attention to this, increase awareness about it, and earn the school some money for important causes?

    Create different committees for every cultural group and just let them run wild with ideas on how they can share their traditions, and pretty much everything to love about their culture, as well as how to contribute financially to the goal of the school.

    Typically, these groups can sell ethnic meals, performances, and handicrafts. Plus, the school can also raise funds by selling tickets to the event for both students and outsiders.

    These are not all the options you have, but you can trust the six discussed above to work well in achieving your school’s financial objectives. 

    For more ideas on fundraisers and services on how to successfully pull off charity auctions, Go Charity is the go-to source for all these. We are one of the most trusted charity auction companies in the country.

    Please visit our office in Brooklyn or give us a call if you need expert fundraising services.

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