Engaging Virtual Fundraising Ideas

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    The demand for virtual fundraising is at an all-time high as nonprofits, and other causes try to get people behind their missions. For a myriad of reasons, many fundraisers cannot be in person. Without the pull of food and drink, it is not easy to catch a crowd’s attention and win them to your cause.

    With a strategic and well-planned virtual fundraiser, companies and nonprofits should be able to meet their donation goals and build an overwhelming crowd of support without a hitch. So, here at Go Charity, we have compiled the best fundraising ideas that can be accomplished with people worldwide. 

    Let’s dive into these 8 unique fundraising ideas. 

    1. Virtual 5K

    5Ks and Fun Runs are an ever-popular fundraiser. But, it can be easier and cheaper to do a virtual 5K! Instead of having all your runners show up at one location on race day, they can choose where to run or walk and record their movement on a smartphone app. Then, they will submit their times to you, and you’ll crown the winner that evening! 

    With this, you can still distribute t-shirts, medals, and other paraphernalia before and after race day, but you avoid the large crowd and let people have a bit more flexibility in their schedule. 

    2. Livestreamed TED-Talk Event

    Some of the best parts of a fundraiser are the speeches and talks given by influential supporters of an organization. People often look forward to the CEO or frontline worker, giving them a sneak peek into a day in the life of the cause or charity. Even with a virtual event, this can still happen. 

    Keep the live stream of the inspirational talk to around 18 minutes to keep the audience engaged. If possible, allow them to submit comments, emojis, or questions to the organizers to approve for posting on the stream. This interaction is incredibly meaningful and helps the attenders feel included, which will lead them to donate later on when you ask. 

    3. Free Music or Resource with Donation

    There are artists and bloggers everywhere these days. Most are quite passionate about something, and you may be able to bring one along to your cause. If you can secure a unique song or resource that people would want, you can ask for a specific monetary donation or one of any size, and in return, people can download what you offer.

    Resources for download could be music, a video, or a brochure or information on how to learn something. Of course, with this, make sure to include additional information about the cause you are supporting.

    4. Online Auction

    Online auctions are not just for foreclosed homes. Feel free to make a rowdy online auction opening to an online fundraiser. Auctioning off donated gift certificates, travel vouchers, or unique prizes can get audiences excited and will incentivize them to show up on time to your virtual fundraiser. 

    While an online auction is one of our favorite fundraising ideas, it never has to be the sole part of the evening. Consider having a silent auction going the entire time the rest of your virtual event is happening. Having multiple options for things people can do at your virtual fundraiser helps keep them engaged, so they do not wander off in search of something else. 

    5. Interactive Livestream 

    Similar in style to a dunk tank, set up a live stream with someone talented. Then, ask viewers to donate, and in return, they get to help instruct what should happen on the live stream. 

    For example, if you have an artist who is great at working on the fly, ask them to donate an evening to your cause. Then, anyone who donates $10 or more gets to tell them to switch colors, change what they’re drawing, or something similar. This could also be done with someone working out, someone eating strange things, or a myriad of other unique fundraising ideas. 

    6. Documentary Movie Showing

    It seems like almost every cause has a documentary behind it these days. If your nonprofit or cause has one, consider hosting a free streaming of it. Then, you can have your speakers give an introduction explaining how your cause fits perfectly into righting the wrong or helping out the situation. Directly after the moving documentary, a call for donations can go a long way as attenders are processing the emotions and facts of the movie. 

    7. Virtual Happy Hour with Games

    It should not be a surprise that most in-person fundraisers have a happy hour beforehand. This makes people comfortable in the environment and allows them to sit more easily for a few minutes to enjoy the show. There is no reason that this cannot also happen when hosting a virtual fundraiser!

    So, encourage guests to bring a drink when they show up. Keep the virtual happy hour casual, but have your staff in on the Zoom meeting and engage in conversation with the guests. If you have large numbers in attendance, break it into smaller groups so that it is still intimate. This personal connection gives everyone a chance to wind down from their day and laugh before diving into the fundraising portion of the evening. 

    8. Gaming Marathon

    People from all walks of life are getting more intrigued by games online these days. So, consider having a gaming marathon to raise money for your cause. Everyone can get involved, but more people will tune in as more advanced players start competing. It may sound odd, but these fundraisers have raised millions of dollars in recent years. 

    These are our eight favorite ways to host online fundraisers. From gathering items for an online auction to giving away how-to manuals on starting your backyard garden, it is time to get creative with a few new unique fundraising ideas. 

    By understanding your donor base, knowing what you are capable of, and with a little bit of elbow grease, you can confidently set a high goal. Then, make sure to keep personal interactions upfront as you bring in the donations. If you’d like more help planning a spectacular online event, reach out to us at Go Charity to make your dreams a reality. 


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